Author Archives: Marsha

Are You Ready?

—or are you getting ready to be ready?

As small business owners it only stands to reason that we want our business to be as perfect as possible. The logo and branding should all look professional and serve as an authentic representation of our products, services and our individual spin. All of the marketing—website, emails, Continue reading

Planning for Mobile

What viewing platform(s) will your site be viewed on most frequently? It used to be mostly a Mac vs PC or Internet Explorer vs Firefox sort of question (not to mention the issue of which versions!) but mobile has become increasingly important in the world of internet browsing. While this is a part of knowing about your target audience, it is also Continue reading

Networking and Your Business

The other night one of the networking groups I attend turned out to be unusually intimate and we had an opportunity to have a very good discussion about networking groups, how they differ, and networking in general.

Networking is considered to be one of the most essential ways to generate new business. In spite of this I often hear people say they don’t like to Continue reading

Web Clarity

Practicing What I Preach — About My New Business

Greetings and thank you for stopping by. This marks the formal soft launch of my new business. This website will undoubtedly change as time allows and the business grows. As any new business owner knows, the ‘to do’ list for a start-up is long, and it all wants to be done at once. My challenge is Continue reading