Category Archives: Marketing

Introducing Tractor Cats!

Tractor Cats logo

Grand Opening!!!

This is late in coming and past time for me to introduce Tractor Cats to the world. (Attention cat lovers, the farming community and puzzlers!)

To see how this all began, please watch this mini-YouTube video: Meet Zorro

like & share it, hopefully subscribe to the channel, then

visit the Tractor Cats website! and take a look around. (there are some great puzzles, t-shirts, mugs & more…!) The plan is for it to grow, and any help I can get with launching it will be greatly appreciated.

Have a Great Day!

Know, Like and Trust

That becomes a familiar mantra when you are networking for your business, especially if your business is service-based. When people are thinking about how to spend their money the actual decision making is often very emotional, in spite of any time spent doing research.

It is human nature to prefer to do business with those Continue reading

Do you attend networking events for your business?

The Best of Intentions…

Do you follow up with the people you meet? This is where it generally starts to break down—and where differing thoughts about proper follow-up etiquette shows up. I have heard it pointed out that if you are not following up on these leads, it begs the question “Why are you networking?” I know I have been on both ends of this. People I have met who I have told “Please Continue reading