Web Clarity

Practicing What I Preach — About My New Business

Greetings and thank you for stopping by. This marks the formal soft launch of my new business. This website will undoubtedly change as time allows and the business grows. As any new business owner knows, the ‘to do’ list for a start-up is long, and it all wants to be done at once. My challenge is

to do everything I know that needs to be done in a timely fashion, setting a good example for current and future clients.

Over time this blog will share tips, resources and new discoveries related to all things web — planning, branding, design, search engine optimization, WordPress, social networking… the length and complexity of the list should be explanation enough for why you are feeling overwhelmed if you have chosen to do your own website when your business is something entirely different. Anything that might help to reveal the “wizard behind the curtain” for solopreneurs and small businesses is fair game as a topic. I have a number of things in mind, but please feel free to request a topic and I will gladly address it.

Your website should be the star of your internet marketing strategy. It should also function like a trusted partner, doing it’s share to generate business contributing to the success of your business. Here’s to a successful New Year!

4 responses on “Web Clarity

  1. LaVette

    Hi Marsha,

    It was great meeting you today at Oame and I hope that we can work together on that project soon.

    Thanks again.


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