When you go to a website and are greeted by a page with the sole purpose of making an offer of some sort, that is what is called a squeeze page. There are two types— “hard” and “soft.” With a hard squeeze page the only way past it is to give your information. These are generally reserved
for signups for events or classes. The soft squeeze may be a popup or a whole page. It asks relevant questions to get the visitor’s attention and then gives them a choice of either signing up or bypassing it.
Many marketers are resistant to using a squeeze page, thinking they are sleazy or too “sales-y” but the bottom line is that they work. One of the most important assets to your business is your list.
In an earlier Tip I wrote about the value of having a “freebie” to offer to website visitors. This is your appetizer, an “ethical bribe,” if you will, to offer in exchange for their contact information. The purpose of this is to build the list. You are trying to start a relationship with people who have given their permission because they would like to hear what you have to say and learn more about what you can do for them. This all goes back to the “know, like and trust” factor that can turn prospects into fans. The squeeze page helps to tie this all together, increasing the likelihood of someone giving you a chance.
To your business success!